MORGAs Active Line products will help to get your digestion moving again. MORGAs Active Line products support and regulate metabolism. They will improve the digestion process together with a health-conscious diet, sufficient amounts of fluids and ample exercise. You will have more vitality and energy.
For good digestion
Digestion is one of the most important metabolic processes of the body. A healthy, fiber-rich diet and an optimal production of bile and gastric juice are the best conditions for a properly functioning digestive system. Fiber-rich, plant-based foods and sufficient amounts of fluids should therefore be the basis of our diet.
Dietary fiber
Dietary fibers are indigestible nutritional components. These bulge with water in the large intestines and thereby stimulate intestinal activity and digestion. This results in a shorter duration of food residue in the large intestines: Crispolax, Bio Balance Flakes.
Liver and gallbladder
The liver and gallbladder produce the most important digestive juices. The naturally high ratio of bitter substances in our Active-Line products stimulate the liver and gallbladder and thereby production of digestive juices – bile and gastric juices: Artichoke-Apéro, Stomach Tea, Liver-Gallbladder Tea, Dandelion Tea.
Plant-based foods
Plant-based foods like figs, prunes and flax seed are known to support digestion positively in case of constipation: Wellness Drink figs.
Available in drug stores and pharmacies.